Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Is it wise to follow your heart?

"He who trusts in himself (his heart) is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe."  Proverbs 28:26

The world's common saying is "Follow or trust your heart," the problem is that is all based on your feelings, what feels good at the moment in time.  Your feelings change and what makes you happy can change minute by minute, year by year.  The Bible says we are to walk in wisdom, and no that is not our own thoughts or feelings, wisdom is God and God has given us His Word, the Bible, as instructions on how to walk the narrow path of the wise.  The world is excusing people out of their life long commitments to their spouses, or spending money the way they feel is right to wind up hurting themselves even more, or telling others what the Bible says is not the way God would want us to live any more, that is too old fashion, God wants us to follow our hearts.  I don't think God would have told others what to put in the Bible and call it His Word if He wanted us to change it to our likings.  And I truly believe Proverbs 28:26 still stands in God's eyes as a guide and warning for us, not to follow our own hearts or feelings, for it will be foolish if we do, but to walk in Wisdom, to pray and read His Word for guidance in our daily life.  I pray for myself that I walk in wisdom, that I ask for it daily like King Solomon did many years ago, and not for riches or power, but because he didn't ask for those things and that he asked for wisdom instead God blessed him with all those things.  I know personal on a daily bases when I don't seek God for wisdom, how foolish my hearts desires become. It is easy to fall into that trap, and that is why we need to be in His word, sing songs of praises and pray to Him through out the day. 

Lord Jesus, I pray in your Holy name that we all will ask for the wisdom that you desire us to have, that we seek the wisdom in Your Father's Word and by talking to you daily, hourly, minute by minute in prayer, asking for the guidance and wisdom we need to be able to know, love, honor and praise You more.  I pray that we don't listen to our own hearts, or our feelings, and trust the world's common saying of "follow your heart", for our heart will only lead us to foolishness and what I desire most, Lord, is wisdom in You.  In Your holy and wonderful name, Amen